IACRN 日本支部 リーフレット
がん臨床試験看護師コンピテンシー 2016
Clinical Research Nursing Core Curriculum: Editors: Margaret McCabe Elizabeth Ness
IACRN is excited to announce that the Clinical Research Nursing Core Curriculum is now available on Amazon! The curriculum is geared towards nurses new to the clinical research nurse role or those with little experience including CRNs in both the direct care and study coordinator roles. The content of the book goes through the unique body of knowledge of the clinical research nurse, including, nursing care, research regulations, the scientific process, and data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The content delves further into specifics, such as human subject protection, care coordination, and continuity, contributions to clinical science, and clinical practice as related to the clinical research nurse across all specialties. The e-book is available now and the paperback version will be available later this month.
参照 : International Association of Clinical Research Nurses – Publications
Clinical Research Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice
The premier resource for today’s CRN, Clinical Research Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice is informed by advances in this specialty’s unique body of knowledge: nursing care; research regulations; scientific process; and data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
参照 : International Association of Clinical Research Nurses – Publications